
Hi. I think I have a Crush. Capital C. Hi. I think I'm back in middle school.

Things that are cute about you:
  • Green eyes (I like green eyes just in general, tbh)
  • Your laugh when you stop caring
  • The way you aren't ridiculously outgoing
  • Your voice (it definitely isn't off-putting)
  • That you sometimes watch me
  • You say "hi" to me first
  • Your smile when something unexpected happens
  • Your smile when something unexpected doesn't happen, you're just happy
  • You don't feel the need to smile all the time

Things you should know about me:
  • I'm not what you would call "trusting"
  • I swear (kind of a lot)
  • I am kind of anti-social and you'll have to tear me away from fanfiction sometimes
  • I'm protective of my restaurant leftovers
  • I like babies
  • I spend a lot of money at Sonic
  • I probably won't talk to you unless you talk to me
  • I sleep (kind of a lot)
  • I write pretentious poetry often
  • I will probably tell you the same stories over and over again
  • I'm bad at the whole "share your feelings with me" thing, so if that happens, it'll probably be through pretentious poetry and I'll make you read it but then won't let you discuss it with me because I'm insecure about it and it'll make me feel weird that you've read it even if I've expressly told you to
  • I love Harry Potter more than Dobby loves hats
  • I probably won't tell you anything on either of these lists because you're cute but I'm introverted and I don't like that whole rejection thing because who does so I'm planning to die alone with various cats and dogs so my hermit house will almost invariably smell like shit and I'll be like that lady in my ward who had a pet raccoon oh my gosh I'm going to end up like Sister Tracey
  • Sometimes run-ons
  • I'm majoring in English and attempting to be with the Phantom so if we get married, which we probably won't, let's hope you're going the Raoul route and majoring in business or something boring like that (no offense to the business majors, but)

  • I wouldn't be opposed to you taking me on a date, but I can guarantee that I won't ask you out myself because I've already been over this with the Sister Tracey bullet point
  • You're cute
  • That first list is kind of short because we really haven't talked much because I'm antisocial
  • I'm awkward and make weird faces all the damn time
  • I swear and you're going on a mission, so I would try not to swear in front of you just like I try not to swear where anywhere on campus except where maybe Lexi and my roommate can hear it except for when I get locked out of my room at 1:30 AM and I don't know when my roommate will be back so I have to sit in the hall without my phone until she does and I accidentally swear in the middle of the hall
  • You can't hold my heart yet
  • You can hold my hand



  1. I'm bad at the whole "share your feelings with me" thing, so if that happens, it'll probably be through pretentious poetry and I'll make you read it but then won't let you discuss it with me because I'm insecure about it and it'll make me feel weird that you've read it even if I've expressly told you to
    I love Harry Potter more than Dobby loves hats

    oh my gosh and the ending

  2. The last two lines. Also, did you get locked out Friday night?! Gahh here you are looking out for me and bamm. I'm so sorry.

    1. Hahaha no. That happened a few weeks ago. I was just saying.

  3. This was so darling. And poetic. And lovely. And the last two lines.

  4. I can't wait to talk Harry Potter with you. Just saying.
